Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Glamorous site has thrown out by Liliana

Berlin --
Even the hottest-wife in Germany, Liliana Matthew (22), put down at the Berlin Fashion Week at the show by Anja Gockel and Dimitri a glamorous appearance.
But at the next show then the embarrassing appearance: designer Susanne Wiebe threw the football-out starlets!
Reason: Liliana said to have spread that she would run for the designer as a model. That did not make the offer themselves: "I am appalled by Liliana's lies. I do not care whether such a girlie football is here. It is not my level, "Wiebe told the Berliner Zeitung. In an interview with the Swiss newspaper Blick, the Munich designer to put: "Liliana has spread everywhere that it is running as a model for me, what is wrong. Your agency has called me and begged for a seat in front row for them. "
Liliana countered immediately opposite view: "I do not know the lady. If she thinks they have to make themselves important by my name - bitteschön. "
In Berlin, always at her side: Stylists Sohebi Samuel (23). Who is the lithe young man of Liliana's side?
For Pro7 he is a police officer in the German-style pedestrian way and a new dress fashion victims. With his professional help Liliana outshone even the Berlin model. He carried the train of her black dress, and sat down beside her.
The camera flashes Liliana enjoyed the attention. There, she always wanted to, "was her springboard Lothar" analyzed the celebrity psychologist Elke Eyckmanns in EXPRESS. The soccer world champion of 1990 and the student. A drama from the script, the gossip reporter:
They had met at the Oktoberfest, got married in Las Vegas. Celebrity befitting Lothar had his fourth wife then donated and new breasts.
But suddenly everything was made. New Year and celebrated the first anniversary, the couple had separated from it. Wives change the hapless Lothar now as the trainer jobs abroad, he is already talking about the divorce of Liliana.
Also of interest
Lothar & Liliana
Loddar and Liliana: everything from?
Lothar Matthaus is already talking about divorce
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